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4 Previous customer questions.

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How long to filters last?
It all depends on the type of laundry you are drying and how often you use your dryer. In a house, with two people and few loads per week, you may go a month or so between cleaning or replacing the polyester filter. It is recommended to clean the stainless pre-filter at least every four or five loads. As you use your BetterVent you will know how often your filters will need to be cleaned and replaced. To extend the life of your filter you can vacuum the blue side of the filter multiple times before you will need to replace it with a new one.
85% of 7 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(6) | No(1)
Is the filter washable or do you buy replacements?
Yes, it is washable and should be replaced every so often.
71% of 7 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(5) | No(2)
Does this vent prevent moisture build up in room?
No, this is just a lint trap.
71% of 7 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(5) | No(2)
Can this be used for a gas dyer
No. The Better Vent cannot be used for a gas dryer.
100% of 4 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(4) | No(0)
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