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Have a question about this product? Ask here!
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Is this system compatiable with windows 7?
Yes, this switch is compatible with windows 7.
Minicom states the Smart 216 IP operating systems compatibility as:
Target Server: Windows, Novell, Linux, SUN Solaris
Client Computer: Windows 2000 or higher with IE 6.0 or higher and Active

One note though, this does not guarantee compatibility with any particular mouse or keyboard software that you may be running.
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What is the warranty of this product ? Not the extendet one.
Thank you for your inquiry. This product will come with Tripp-Lite\'s 3-year limited warranty.
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Is it compatable with VMWare's ESX or ESXi?
This two user KVM is not operating system dependent, so we do not foresee a problem.
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Is this switch compatible with minicom dx432 switch? If so what management system does it use
Thank you for your inquiry. To ensure that we have all the information needed to best answer your questions, please give us a call at 1-877-586-6654.
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Can any rackmount monitor be used with this switch?
Thank you for your inquiry. As long as the Rackmount monitor meets the requirements of the switch, it should work - ie. USB & VGA.
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