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does this product require the use of dongles? how does this work with HP iLO?
Thank you for your inquiry. Avocent ACS 6000 Advanced Console Servers are designed to connect via CAT5 to the RS-232 console ports of target devices using an appropriate adapter. No dongles are used with the ACS6048MDAC-001.

This product does not work with HP iLO per se, but rather in parallel.
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What is the longest length of cable allowed when connecting to the Eth1 port, console port, or any other port on the ACS 6048 before a converter is needed.
Thank you for your inquiry. Maximum cable lengths are dependent on a number of factors including cable type, and electrical noise/interference. In general each port will follow the maximum length for that type of interface. For instance, using CAT5e cable the max length per segment is around 100 meters for an Ethernet connection. For the console ports, maximum distances will follow the RS232 specification and will depend on the data rate. Avocent specifies that the serial cable should be no longer as 30m for baud rates below 38400 and no longer than 10m for baud rate 38400 and higher.
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Is this product available New Retail to be shipped immediately?
Thank you for your inquiry. This product ships as a new unit.

For the most up-to-date availability information, please contact a KVM Switches Online representative directly at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature.
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I'm assuming this provides POE. If so, would this be able to power my Arecont camera requiring 9watts?
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we do not believe this unit will supply power to an IP camera over CAT5. The majority of the RJ-45 ports are actually serial ports rather than Ethernet ports. There are two Ethernet ports, but those are available for connecting to the network rather than connecting to a device.
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Pin order of the RJ-45 serial port connector?
Thank you for your inquiry,

See below for the default pinout, and the optional CISCO pinout (the CISCO pinout is disabled by default - an admin must enable the Cisco pinout for the port):

ACS Console Server Serial Port Pinout
Pin No.Signal NameInput/Output
8Not UsedN/A

Cisco Serial Port Pinout
Pin No.Signal NameInput/Output
5Not UsedN/A

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