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Will this product plug directly into my existing network? For example at the remote site will it pkug into the switch than at the other site plug the rec controller in and plug the usb connctions into the computer.
Thank you for your inquiry,

That is correct! You can simply plug the Adder C-USB-LAN Extender units into your network and start working with them straight away. When supplied as pairs, they are already synchronized, so they will locate each other automatically over your network.

Note however, the C-USB-LAN units must be connected to the same VLAN, they will not work across VLANs (different subnets) and use Link-local or DHCP assigned IP address (not possible to use static IPs but using DHCP reservation is supported).

Also here are some other notes regarding network compatibility for the C-USB-LAN:
  • USB 2.0 is capable of consuming up to 480Mbps. For that reason, we recommend using the extender modules on Gigabit networks (1000Base-T) and not 100 Megabit networks (100Base-T). The performance of the USB peripherals will be limited to the slowest link between the modules.
  • Some networks may be configured to block devices with unfamiliar MAC addresses. If this is the case, you will need to provide your network administrator the MAC addresses of the extender modules. These can be found on the label on the underside of each unit.
  • Some networks may be configured to block devices that consume a consistently high level of bandwidth. The extender modules may exhibit this behavior when high bandwidth devices are connected. Consult with your network administrator to resolve this.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with!
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Does the C-USB-LAN require the AIM? Or can you just plug in the units into the same network without a manager? Is the C-USB-LAN out-bound accessible (completely outside of the subnet) when connected to the AIM manager?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The Adder Infinity Manager (AIM) is not required for a point-to-point (P2P) C-USB-LAN application.

If the requirement is to extend the USB of a single computer to a remote location then all is needed is a C-USB-LAN-TX at the source (computer) and a C-USB-LAN-RX at the user.

C-USB-LAN units must be connected to the same VLAN, they will not work across VLANs (different subnets) and use Link-local or DHCP assigned IP address (not possible to use static IPs but using DHCP reservation is supported).

If there is also an AIM on the same subnet then C-USB-LANs would get their IPs from the manager and would be under the control of the manager.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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