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I have two computers, each with their own monitors. Can I use only the mouse and keyboard features (one mouse & one keyboard for both computers) and not use the video feature?
Thank you for your inquiry. Though not supported, it would likely work. However, some functionality may be lost if the switch has an On-Screen Display (OSD) feature and non-supported functionality could not be guaranteed.

Although considerably more expensive, the CCS4USB from ADDER is specifically made to share a single mouse and keyboard with up to 4 target computers, each with its own monitor, while allowing the mouse to freely move between target machines:
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I have two computers each will have their own keyboard and mouse, these computers have two display ports, one will be used for their attached monitor, the other port will be connected to this KVM switch to share a projector. I'm basically using this KVM as an A/B Video switch. Will this work or do you recommend a better solution?
Thank you for your inquiry. Often times a KVM will require a keyboard and/or mouse attached to function. Other times it does not.

This particular unit appears to have a remote port selector, so a keyboard would not be necessary to switch ports. We also see that the USB ports can be used for peripheral sharing, so it is likely it would work as you desire. However, please note, due to the varied and complicated nature of user environments, as well as a non-standard/non-supported application, we could not 100% guarantee that it wold function as desired.
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We have two monitors screen and want to use on one CPu ?shall we use CS22U for the same
Thank you for your inquiry. The CS22U is a device designed to share a single monitor, keyboard and mouse between two CPUs.

To use two monitors with a single CPU, you would need to have two video cards or a single card that had two video outputs.
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How long are the VGA/USB cables?
Thank you for your inquiry. The VGA/USB cables are .9 meters in length. The remote port selector switch cable is an additional 1.8 meters in length.
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does this unit work correctly with win 7?
Thank you for your inquiry. The manufacturer states this device is compatible with both Windows 7 and Windows 8 / 8.1.
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