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Please tell us can we get dual port for this item so we can connect one to KVMport and another to KVM extender
Unfortunately, Raritan does not offer a dual access dongle. I am a bit confused by your request, however. Are you attempting to connect a single server from a faraway distance to the KVM switch? In most cases you would just need a direct extension from the server to the switch. Please give us a call to discuss. 1-877-586-6654.
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We have multiple servers which we want to access .If we use Dominion KXII Do you have any USB dongle equivalent to P2CIM-APS2DUAL dongle so that it has Dual port (2 X RJ 45 Female) with Keyboard,Mouse support
There is not a dual access (2 RJ 45 access) CIM for the KX2 unfortunately. Please give us a call to discuss what you are trying to accomplish and we should be able to pinpoint a solution for you.
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Do we need D2CIM-DVUSB cable for each server that goning to connect to KVM or we just need one on the KVM box? Thanks.
Thank your for your inquiry. Yes, you would need a separate Computer Interface Module(CIM)for each attached server.
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What is the functional difference between this item and the "Raritan DCIM-USBG2"?
Thank you for your inquiry. The DCIM-USBG2 ( is the basic USB Computer Interface Module and is described by Raritan as: \'a basic, VGA-based USB CIM for customers not wanting virtual media, absolute mouse or the other advanced features.\' - Virtual media is the ability to attach a media storage device to the server through the remote console.

This CIM, the D2CIM-DVUSB, on the other hand is a Dual Virtual Media USB CIM that is required for BIOS level virtual media access (necessary for booting to a recovery CD for instance) and absolute mouse synchronization. Dual Virtual Media CIMs provide enhanced features such as virtual media at the BIOS level, for audio, tiering and/or Smart Cards, including the US Government\'s Common Access Cards (CAC).

There is one other similar CIM, the D2CIM-VUSB (, which is a single USB Virtual Media CIM that supports absolute mouse synchronization and virtual media at the OS level only (would not allow booting to a virtual media source).
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Will this work with the KX III line of KVMs as well?
Thank you for your inquiry. Yes, the D2CIM-DVUSB will work with the Dominion KX III line.

The manufacturer states the following:
The Dominion KX III was designed to use multiple types of CIMs, including:
- VGA-based Dominion KX II CIMs (D2CIMs): D2CIM-DVUSB, D2CIM-VUSB and D2CIM-PWR
- VGA-based Dominion KX I CIMs (DCIMs): DCIM-PS2, DCIM-USBG2 and DCIM-SUN
- Select Paragon II CIMs
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