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Why can't I select Canada as a ship to country?
Thank you for your inquiry,

While we do accept orders from Canada, we do not currently support placing those orders online. Please review our International Order Policy, and then contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative to place the order.
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Would you happen to have a Drawing for PN: D2CIM-DVUSB-DP ?
Thank you for your inquiry. You can find a PDF mechanical drawing here:
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Hello, How could i have audio with this dongle ? Regards,
Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer, digital audio is supported over USB, not embedded in the HDMI or DisplayPort signals.

You can read more about the DKX III\'s audio support in the online help guide:
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Who in the UK Distributes the D2CIM-DVUSB-DP. I am looking for a quote for quantity 4.
Thank you for your inquiry,

We can sell Raritan equipment to the UK for orders over $1000 where the end user is in the USA and ships it to UK, or where can get the PO from a US based office and the product to the UK with shipping account. For more information on international orders, please refer to our international order policy.

You can also find a list of our international partners here that may be able to help you as well.
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