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Does remote user need a PC to connect to KVM? or is there a console unit needed to connect if only a monitor, keyboard and mouse is available?
Yes, the remote user will need some way to connect to the switch via an IP address, be it internet, intranet (router, network switch, etc...) If you only have access to the monitor, keyboard and mouse, you do have the option of extending the local port (keep in mind there is only 1 local port available). A product such as could be used in this scenario.
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Is this considered a 2nd generation raritan?
Thanks you for your inquiry. Yes, this is a second generation product. The KSX II series replaced the KSX series.
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can this unit be dual-homed? that is, can I connect one ehternet port to one isp, and the other ethernet port to another isp?
Thank you for your inquiry. The second network port is only provided for failover purposes and only becomes active when an outage occurs. Here is what the manual states:

"The KSX II provides two Ethernet ports for failover purposes (not for load-balancing). By default, only LAN1 is active and the automatic failover is disabled. When enabled, if the KSX II internal network interface or the network switch to which it is connected becomes unavailable, LAN2 will be enabled using the same IP address.

Note: Because a failover port is not activated until after a failover has actually occurred, Raritan recommends that you either not monitor the failover port or monitor it only after a failover occurs."
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Which CIM do I need to connect Dell R710 Servers?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The CIM that you would need would depend on what video output connection that your servers provide. See below for your options. You can also find the compatible CIMs on the DKSX2-188 product page.

DVI, DVI with Virtual Media support (switchable USB Port), HDMI, DisplayPort, VGA, SUN VGA. The Dell R710 servers support USB so you don\'t have to worry about the keyboard mouse connections, but in the occasion that you want to use PS2, you could get this VGA CIM.

If you would like a recommendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality.
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We are replacing an old Dell KVM and are wondering if the existing interface modules ( cables ) will work with the DKSX2-188?
Thank you for your inquiry. Interface modules are typically proprietary devices. Unfortunately, the Dell CIM would not work with a Raritan device.
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