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Are the 32 usb-video to Ethernet adapters included?
Thank you for your inquiry,

For greatest compatibility between environments (depending on your video, keyboard, and mouse connections) the Raritan DKX3-132 KVM does not ship with the KVM to Ethernet dongle adapters (CIMs). You can select the adapters that would best fit your application from the "Accessories" section if this page.
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I see that there is the new DKX4 series 1-Port IP KVM coming out - Are there any plans to replace DKX3-132 with a newer model like Raritan DKX4-132?
Thank you for your inquiry,

As of February 12th, 2018, Raritan does not currently have a public release plan for replacing the DKX3-132.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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We are considering the DKX3-132 for being used on a USAF network. Is it considered a "Secure" KVM and does it have any DoD credentials, i.e. Common Criteria Portal, NIST FIPS, etc?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The Raritan DKX3-132 indeed meets DoD security standards including: AES & FIPS 140-2 encryption, UL certification, Common Access Card (CAC) authentication, PIV, FIPS 201, HSPD-12 and IPv6 networking.
  • U.S. government agencies and the Department of Defense are now mandated to purchase IPv6-compatible products - The Raritan Dominion supports IPv6.
  • The Dominion KX III uses an embedded FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module running on a Linux platform per FIPS 140-2 implementation guidelines. This cryptographic module is used for encryption of KVM session traffic consisting of video, keyboard, mouse, virtual media and smart card data.
  • The Dominion KX III also supports AES 256-bit and 128-bit encryption as recommended by the U.S. government’s NIST and FIPS standards Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for added security. The weaker RC4 encryption is no longer supported.
  • Please note that due to the specification of the protection profiles, NIAP Common Criteria certification is not really suitable for the evaluation against over-IP / network-attached switches or matrix switches. You can find a list of our Common Criteria Certified secure KVMs here.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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