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Is the Raritan DKX3-UST TAA Compliant?
Thank you for your inquiry,

All of Raritan\'s products meet the requirements of the Trade Agreements Act (TAA) and are approved to be acquired by the United States Government for use. These products are also compliant with GSA Schedules.

you can find more about Raritan\'s TAA Compliance here: Legal - About Us | Raritan
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Is there a proprietary statement or Trademarked statement about Raritan KVM over IP or user stations being compatible with Raritan products only?
Thank you for your inquiry,

DKX3-UST was designed to only work with Raritan products and should not be compatible with any other vendors products. See the links below for the latest release notes and data sheet that include DKX3-UST compatibility information-

DKX3 User Station Release Notes.

DKX3 User Station Brochure

After checking in with the Dominion KX3 product development team, I do not believe Raritan has any documentation that is more specific regarding the compatibility of the Dominion KX III User station only with Raritan products.

Please feel free to reach out to our sales team for any help you may need with your specific application.
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What's the resolution supported?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The Raritan DKX3-UST user station supports one or two seperate 1080p (1920x1080) video sessions at 30 FPS each.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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Have a Sony PWSK4403 control panel which connect with USB port of Raritan dkx3-ust. Is there any solution?
Thank you for your inquiry,

While we are not particularly acquainted with the Sony PWSK4403, this DKX3 User station would support virtual media USB devices.

Are you experiencing any troubles with this unit, or are you looking for a KVM switching solution for this?
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Hello, one of the electrical engineers has already chosen this device (DKS III UST), now I need to add it in the total assembly. Could you please provide the dimensions so that it is easy to incorporate to see how it will fit? Thank you.
Thank you for your inquiry,

The dimensions for the Raritan DKX3-UST are 190(L) x 165(W) x 43(H) mm, and the unit weighs 1.4 kg. For shipping, the unit ships in a package that weighs 2.3 kg.

Here are also the mounting dimensions for the DKX3-UST:
  1. DKX3-UST Ships with a VESA Mounting Kit that allows you to mount the Dominion User Station onto the back of for example a monitor with 75 mm (75 x 75 mm) or 100 mm (100 x 100 mm) VESA standards.
  2. An optional Rack Mount Kit (PN RACK-KIT-DKX3-UST) is also available which lets you mount the DKX3-UST into 1U of standard 19"EIA rack space.
Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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