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Can I use this to run a triple monitor setup instead of a quad.
Thank you for your inquiry. The Smart AVI DPN-4Quad will allow you to run your triple monitor setup with, and across at least 4 different computers/servers. You can also visit the Triple Head KVM page for triple monitor specific KVM\'s, although HDMI video may not be an option.
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Does this switch support 1080p @ 144hz for my gaming monitors?
Thank you for your inquiry,

It would not. The SmartAVI DPN-4Quad would theoretically support up to 1080p @ 120Hz.

You may want to take a look at SmartAVI\'s new UHDN series instead, which features greater bandwidth: i.e. SmartAVI UHDN-4P-QUADS.

Please note, these resolutions are yet to be tested on these units and gaming equipment sometimes uses different hardware, so we are unable to guarantee compatibility.
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Do you ship to APO, AP addresses?
Thank you for your inquiry,

We do indeed. During check out, simply select the "APO/FPO" shipping method:
  • Standard Lead Times for APO/FPO orders are 2-3 weeks
  • Shipping costs are subject to change based on the location from which the order will ship from.
  • Some warehouses are not set up to ship to APO/FPO Addresses, when this happens, the order will be shipped to our headquarters location and then out to the delivery address. Should this be the case, please note that additional shipping charges will be added after order placement.
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Do you have a 4 Port Quad Monitor 4K DisplayPort KVM that will work at 60HZ?
Thank you for your inquiry,

We do not currently offer a 4-Port Quad-Monitor 4K/60hz KVM with DisplayPort inputs, but we do have a HDMI version (which can be adapted to DisplayPort): SmartAVI UHDN-4P-QUADS.
33% of 3 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(1) | No(2)
Does the DPN-4Quad support 2048 x 1536 / QXGA resolution (3 megapixels of bandwidth) per head?
Thank you for your inquiry,

We have confirmed with SmartAVI that the DPN-4Quad does indeed support 2048x1536 (QXGA) resolution / 3 megapixels of bandwidth per head.

Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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