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Is the CAT 5 Cable a normal Ethernet cable or is it a dedicated cable specific for this product? Can I get the PIN configuration of the Cat 5 Cable?
Thank you for your question.
This proprietary dongle does use a standard CAT 5 cable to the back of the Avocent KVM. The PIN configuration is the standard TIA/EIA-568 layout.
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Hi, I am looking for a multi-purpose KVM cable as I don't know the exact model of KVM switch at our remote site. Which KVM cable should I choose ?
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, many of the KVM cables are proprietary, so it would be difficult to determine which one to use. A generic cable such as may work, but if your switch uses proprietary components it will not. If you do find the make and model of your switch, let us know and we can help pinpoint the most appropriate solution.
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Hello, can the USB connection on a Avocent DSAVIQ-PS2M cable be used for the Mouse and Keyboard connection or do you have to purchase the DSAVIQ-USB2 for servers and PCs that don't have PS2 ports
Thank you for your inquiry. It might work, but due to the different ways in which keyboard/mouse and virtual media communications are handled, we do not believe this interface module would operate in that fashion.

Unfortunately, the DSAVIQ-USB2 has been discontinued. The replacement is the MPUIQ-VMCHS (
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Do you carry that in 6 inch long?
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, this part is only available in one size. It is 14 inches long.
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What is the purpose of the USB connector on the DSAVIQ-PS2M, since you state that it is not intended to carry Mouse/Video connectivity?
Thank you for your inquiry. The USB port on this Computer Interface Module is for providing virtual media support. It allows for the connection of external USB drives to the attached server through the KVM.
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