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How do I enable virtual media on a DSR8035 (latest fw On the MPU8032 you have to be on the "console" and there is a menu there, but the "console" for the DSR8035 is just a simple OSCAR thing.
Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the wide variations in operating environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ.

However, browsing through the DSR manual, it appears there should be a Virtual Media dialogue box available under the OSCAR interface at the bottom, to the left of the Clear option labeled [VMedia]. You can download a copy of the manual here:

You may also be interested in the Avocent user community: There are a number of threads regarding Virtual Media there.
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Is this switch compatible with Dell R520 server?
Thank you for your inquiry. This switch should work with the Dell R520 server when connected with the appropriate Avocent Computer Interface Module connected directly to the servers VGA and US ports. It will not however, work with iDRAC.
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How much would it cost me to get one of these items refurbished and shipped to the UK?
Thank you for your inquiry. We mainly deal with brand new products and do not have any refurbished items available for purchase and could not say how much it would cost.

A quick look on Ebay showed pricing from $40 - $1000.00. One refurbished model was selling for $895.00, but we could not speak to the quality of the seller or device.

Another option might be to reach out directly to the manufacturer, Vertiv (formerly known as Avocent). They may know of a source for refurbished items. You can find contact info for Vertiv here:

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