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KVM connected to Windows 7 & Vista, apparently an additional driver is needed to operate a USB port?
This IOGEAR switch does not explicitly state it supports Windows 7, but it should not require a separate driver for the USB to function. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this question system. For product support on this KVM, IOGEAR recommends the following:

1. Try the live chat at to try and solve any issues you may have with the product.
2. Visit the Tech Info Library/FAQ on (listed under the support tab)
3. Call the 24/7 tech support line at 1-866-946-4327 (US only)
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cannot show second computer
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, due to the variable nature of user environments, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ.

For product support, we suggest you contact IOGEAR diretly at:
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Does the GCS22U have a "HOT KEY" function?
Thank you for your inquiry. We did not find any reference to Hot Key switching functionality in the documentation. The manual only references the push button.
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Can I switch between computers using keyboard in case the wired remote switch button cut off
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, it looks like this KVM does not support hotkey switching via the keyboard. Switching can only be accomplished by the push button on the remote controller.
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