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<\/scr' + 'ipt>
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port selection hot key codes
Thank you for your inquiry. The hotkey combination for quickly switching ports is pressing the scroll Lock key twice in rapid succession. [ScrLk] [ScrLk]

This of course assumes the use of a Windows based keyboard with a Scroll Lock key. Additional Hotkey sequences are available by invoking the HotKey mode: Press and hold [Num Lock] then simultaneously press and hold the minus key for 1 second. Once in Hotkey Mode, ports can be changed by selecting the desired target\'s port number (either 1 or 2) and then hitting enter. This will switch the KVM to the selected port number and exit Hotkey mode.

Additional hotkey commands, including changing the initial hotkey sequence and be found in the device manual available here:
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Thank you for your inquiry. Information on hotkey usage can be found in the product manual located here:
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I have a wireless keyboard and mouse, will this switch work with this set up?
Thank you for your inquiry. Wireless keyboards and mice usage with KVMs is pretty hit or miss; mainly caused by the very different way in which wireless peripherals communicate and keyboard mouse emulation on the KVM side. Generally for wireless keyboards and mice to work, they need to be on separate channels (no unifying dongles) and to go through KVMs with no emulation or transparent USB pass-through.

Some devices will explicitly state support for wireless peripherals, like the ATEN CS62U ( However, even that is spotty and won\'t support all wireless configurations fully. Other devices\' support will depend on the quality of the KVM, with higher quality devices having fewer issues.

Without an explicit statement of support for wireless devices from the manufacturer, we would be hesitant to recommend this device (or really any KVM for that matter). In fact, for the best performance and compatibility, we always recommend basic, wired keyboards and mice.
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How do you switch between PCs?
Thank you for your inquiry,

You can switch computer sources on the GSC632U using "hot-key" keyboard combinations-

The hotkey combination for quickly switching ports is pressing the scroll Lock key twice in rapid succession. [ScrLk] [ScrLk]

This of course assumes the use of a Windows based keyboard with a Scroll Lock key. Additional Hotkey sequences are available by invoking the HotKey mode: Press and hold [Num Lock] then simultaneously press and hold the minus key for 1 second. Once in Hotkey Mode, ports can be changed by selecting the desired target\'s port number (either 1 or 2) and then hitting enter. This will switch the KVM to the selected port number and exit Hotkey mode.

Additional hotkey commands, including changing the initial hotkey sequence and be found in the device manual available here:
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