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I have a laptop running XP and a desktop running Windows 7. The desktop is using dual DVI monitors and a wireless nano keyboard/mouse. I would like to be able to connect the laptop and desktop to a kvm to share one monitor and the nano keyboard and mouse. Naturally, I would like to do this inexpensively.
Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the very different way in which wireless keyboards and mice communicate vs. wired peripherals, wireless connectivity is generally not supported. Your best bet will be to find a KVM that provides transparent USB communications or one with a USB hub that you can attach the wireless receiver to. Please note however, using a USB hub may lead to a loss in functionality, specifically hot key switching or other functions tied to the keyboard/mouse console ports.

Another issue you may encounter will be with EDID support for the Windows 7 machine. Windows 7 continuously polls for monitor resolution info. Older KVMs, in general, do not pass that information to non-active target machines, causing display issues when switched.

Also please note we are not sure how a KVM will react to sharing a single monitor in a dual monitor setup. We don\'t foresee any issues, but the target machines may behave erratically when the secondary display is switched away.

Here are a few 2-port desktop KVMs with USB hubs: Though we have not tested it, this one explicitly states that it supports wireless keyboards and mice, as well as provides EDID information for Windows 7:
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I have a Windows XP Desktop and a new Windows 8 Notebook/Tablet, will this KVM Switch work on these 2 machines?
Thank you for your inquiry. According to the manufacturer, the GCS932UB supports the following Windows operating systems:
Microsoft Windows XP (32-bit) SP3, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 (32-bit / 64-bit), Windows 8.x.

So, in theory, if the target machines meet the requirements, yes it should work. Due to the widely variable nature of user environments, however, we could not guarantee 100% compatibility of any particular switch in any given environment.
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