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What is the key command to change to next server
Thank you for your inquiry,

The hotkey combination to change servers is dependent on which KVM switch you have connected to the Avocent LRA185KMM-001 rack mount monitor (note, the LRA185KMM-001 does not ship by standard with a KVM switch; you can easily connect a KVM switch by plugging it into the local user ports of the KVM).

Please feel free to respond to this message with your KVM model, or contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly.
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What type of DVI connector do I need?
Thank you for your inquiry,

If you are hoping to plug-in a DVI source to the console (i.e. this PN LRA185KMM-001 with no integrated KVM Switch), you will need an active VGA to DVI Converter (i.e. Adder DVA) or an active DVI to VGA Converter (i.e. NTI DVI-VGA).

If you have the console with an integrated KVM, you can simply use MPUIQ-VMCDV dongles for the server interface connections. The MPUIQ-VMCDV dongles feature Single-Link DVI-D connections.
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Can you email the CCC certificate and energy efficiency certificate for lra185kmm-001
Thank you for your inquiry,

Please see files below regarding your requested CCC certificate for the Avocent (by Vertiv) LRA185KMM Console Drawer:
Note, Avocent products are typically certified for safety and EMC under a Certification Model Number (CMN). The CMN is the product designation that is most likely to appear in the safety and EMC reports and certificates. This designation will also be printed on the products label in addition to the sales/marketing/ordering product designation. The CMN that corresponds to LRA185KMM is CMN: 1099-002
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What is the rating of power supply in Watts or Amps and if in Amps, at what voltage? This is for DoN/SPAWAR
Thank you for your inquiry,

The Power supply (PSU) for the LRA185KMM-001 is rated at 40 watts.

See below for the power rating of the LRA185KMM-001 LCD Tray itself:

Power Usage:
- Maximum: 20 Watts
- Nominal: 17 Watts
- Standby: 0.5 Watts

Power Input
- 90-264 VAC

Apologies for the longer than average delay while we confirmed this information with Vertiv product development team.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
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Are there replacement rackmount kits?
Thank you for your inquiry,

See below for replacement rail information for the Avocent (by Vertiv) LRA185KMM-001:


That being said, to receive replacement rails, the unit must still be covered with warranty; the rails are not sold separately.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can ever help you with!
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