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How do you turn this thing on???
Thank you for your inquiry,

The MPU108eDAC has a power button on the front center of the unit. You can find the full operation and installation manual here.
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looking for the part number of the bractets that hold the Switch mpu108edac-001
Thank you for your inquiry,

The part number for the bracket is RMK-65 - please note, the rackmounting bracket is included in the package. If you would like to procure a new RMK-65 bracket, please contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly.
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Let me check it. Is it possible to display HDMI signals of 1280 x 480 @ 60 Hz or 1280 x 600 @ 60 Hz to "MPU108EDAC-001"?
Thank you for your inquiry. According to the Operating Manual for the MPU108EDAC-001, the supported resolutions are found on page 75 and are as follows:

640x480 @ 60
800x600 @ 75
960x700 @ 75
1024x768 @ 75
1280x1024 @ 75
1600x1200 @ 60

800x500 @ 60
1024x640 @ 60
1280x800 @ 60
1440x900 @ 60
1680x1050 @ 60
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Daisy chaining 2 MPU108EDAC
Thank you for your inquiry,

You can cascade / daisy-chain up to two levels of MergePoint Unity switches, enabling users to connect to up to 1024 servers. In a cascaded system, each target port on the main MergePoint Unity switch will connect to the ACI port on each cascaded MergePoint Unity switch. Each cascaded switch can then be connected to a server with an IQ module.

To cascade multiple MergePoint Unity switches:
  1. Attach one end of a CAT 5 cable to a target port on the MergePoint Unity switch.
  2. Connect the other end of the CAT 5 cable to the \'ACI\' port on the back of your cascaded MergePoint Unity switch.
  3. Connect the devices to your cascaded MergePoint Unity switch.
  4. Repeat these steps for all the cascaded MergePoint Unity switches you wish to attach to your system.
From here, the system will automatically "merge" the two switches. All servers connected to the cascaded MergePoint Unity switch will display on the main MergePoint Unity switch server list in the local UI.

Note, The MergePoint Unity switch supports one cascaded switch per target port of the main switch. You cannot attach more switches to the cascaded switches.
Note, Local port cascading is not supported on the MergePoint Unity switch.

For further instructions, please refer to the MPU108EDAC Operating Manual
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could the KVM be used as a POE switch?
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately no, this device cannot be used as a POE Switch.
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