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A customer returned us its MPU4032 for a breakdown reason: I tested it and when the B power is running or when both powers A & B are running, it works normaly, but without the B power, only the fans are running, nothing other. I called the technical support for France, and they said me how it could be normal. I thought the powers are redundant, aren't it?
Thank you for your inquiry. The power inputs should be redundant for this unit. It does seem as though the switch in question is not functioning properly. If you would like additional switch recommendations based on your customers application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative.
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What is the Admin IP for MPU 4032
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, detailed product support is beyond the scope of this simple FAQ. Having said that, here are some thoughts that may be of help.

The MergePoint Unity does not have a "default" IP address for administrative access. The IP address of the switch would be set at initial setup.

There are two ways to access the switch for admin configuration. Through the local UI and via the remote on-board web interface (OBWI). The local UI is reached through the local console ports on the rear of the switch. The OBWI can be reached via the MergePoint Unity\'s IP address - must first specify the IP address through the local port.

From the MergePoint Unity manual: Chapter 3 - Local and Remote Configuration - page 15 (pg 22 actual)

To launch the local UI:
1. Connect your monitor, keyboard and mouse cables to the MergePoint Unity switch.
2. Press any of the enabled keystrokes to launch the local UI.
3. If local UI authentication has been enabled, enter your username and password

To log in to the MergePoint Unity switch OBWI:
1. Launch a web browser.
2. In the address field of the browser, enter the IP address or host name assigned to the MergePoint Unity
switch you wish to access. Use https://xxx.xx.xx.xx or https://hostname as the format.
NOTE: If using IPv6 mode, you must include square brackets around the IP address. Use https://[] as the format.
3. When the browser makes contact with the switch, enter your username and password, then click Login. The
MergePoint Unity OBWI will appear.
NOTE: The default username is Admin with no password.

The full MergePoint Unity KVM over IP and Serial Console Switch Installer/User Guide can be found here:
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