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I have a Avocent Autoview 3100, will the DisplayPort USB Server Interface Module with virtual media, and CAC work with my model Avocent?
Thank you for your inquiry. According the the manufacture, the compatible modules for the Avocent 3100 are the DSAVRIQ-PS2M, AVRIQ-PS2L, AVRIQ-USB2, and AVRIQ-SRL. A particular displayport module was not listed as compatible or available for this device as the 3100 model is now discontinued. If you would like a recommendation based on your application, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative.
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Do this work with the Avocent AutoView 1515?
Thank you for your inquiry,

Unfortunately the MPUIQ-VMCDP is not compatible with the AV1515. It is however compatible with their newer AV2108, AV2216 (replacement for AV1515), AV3108, and AV3216 switches.

You can find the full Avocent KVM Adapter Compatibility Matrix here.
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Hi, We have Avocent DSR8030, do you know if this going to work?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The DSR series does not support these new MPUIQ-VMCDP DisplayPort dongles. Click here to see the Avocent KVM Cable compatibility matrix including all the cables that are compatible with the DSR830.
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