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Does the Avocent PSC0005 replace the PSC0003-001?
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The difference between the Avocent PSC0003 and PSC0005, is the 0003 is a 5v DC @ 5 amps and the 0005 is a 5v DC @ 4 amps. According to the vendor, this should also work with the HMX 1000/2000 series transmitters and receivers.
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Is the PSC0005 compatible with Avocent HMIQDHDD-001?
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The difference between the Avocent PSC0003 and PSC0005, is the PSC0003 is 5v DC @ 5 amps while the PSC0005 is a 5v DC @ 4 amps. The PSC0003 itself was initially a 4A PSU but was replaced for 5A (PSC0003-001) due to some under-power issue to HMX1000/2000 product.

According to the vendor, PSC0005 should also work with HMX 1000/2000 series transmitters and receivers including the Avocent HMIQDHDD transmitter, but with the PSC0005 being a 4A it may at some point exhibit the same issue as the original 4A PSC0003. The PSC0005 has not been properly tested or QA with the HMIQDHDD, so we cannot guarantee that it will be fully compatible or a straight replacement.
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Is PSC0005 compatible with Avocent HMIQSHDI-001?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The difference between the Avocent PSC0003 and PSC0005, is the PSC0003 is 5v DC @ 5 amps while the PSC0005 is a 5v DC @ 4 amps. The PSC0003 itself was initially a 4A PSU but was replaced for 5A (PSC0003-001) due to some under-power issue to HMX1000/2000 product.

According to the vendor, PSC0005 should also work with HMX 1000/2000 series transmitters and receivers including the Avocent HMIQSHDI transmitter, but with the PSC0005 being a 4A it may at some point exhibit the same issue as the original 4A PSC0003. The PSC0005 has not been properly tested or QA with the HMIQSHDI, so we cannot guarantee that it will be fully compatible or a straight replacement.
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Is PSC0005 compatible with Avocent HMX1070?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The difference between the Avocent PSC0003 and PSC0005, is the PSC0003 is 5v DC @ 5 amps while the PSC0005 is a 5v DC @ 4 amps. The PSC0003 itself was initially a 4A PSU but was replaced for 5A (PSC0003-001) due to some under-power issue to HMX1000/2000 product-

According to the vendor, PSC0005 should also work with HMX 1000/2000 series transmitters and receivers including the Avocent HMX1070 receiver, but with the PSC0005 being a 4A it may at some point exhibit the same issue as the original 4A PSC0003. The PSC0005 has not been properly tested or QA with the HMX 1070, so we cannot guarantee that it will be fully compatible or a straight replacement.
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Is PSC0005 compatible with Avocent HMX2050?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The difference between the Avocent PSC0003 and PSC0005, is the PSC0003 is 5v DC @ 5 amps while the PSC0005 is a 5v DC @ 4 amps. The PSC0003 itself was initially a 4A PSU but was replaced for 5A (PSC0003-001) due to some under-power issue to HMX1000/2000 product.

According to the vendor, PSC0005 should also work with HMX 1000/2000 series transmitters and receivers including the Avocent HMX2050 receiver, but with the PSC0005 being a 4A it may at some point exhibit the same issue as the original 4A PSC0003. The PSC0005 has not been properly tested or QA with the HMX 2050, so we cannot guarantee that it will be fully compatible or a straight replacement.
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