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Can you please advise if you have a form fit function replacement for the RKP-115 Rack Mount Monitor Keyboard Drawer. Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your inquiry,

The 15" RKP has been discontinued and directly replaced by the RKP117. Both consoles are 1RMU, 19"EIA, and include the same console connections. The RKP117 does offer some extra features such as a USB port in the front for peripherals, higher resolution, a newer screen, and the unit is less deep (18.1"D vs. 23.62"). Please note, the RKP117 is 17" - we no longer offer 15" rackmount drawers.

If you would like a recommendation based on your setup, please feel free to contact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly at 1-877-586-6654, at, or via our online Chat functionality.
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Hey im after a CD-6 3-in-1 KVM cable for use with my rkp115-801c as well as a PS-2 to USB converter as i do not have ps-2 sockets on my computer. Plus shipping to australia 4007. Cheers, David
Thank you for your inquiry David,

For shipping information for international orders, please see our international order policy.For a quote with shipping to Australiacontact your KVM Switches Online sales representative directly.
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