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Hello, for this price the touch panel is included? thank you
Thank you for your inquiry. This price does not include touchscreen capability. For touch panel options and pricing, please call 1-877-586-6654.
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Would you please advice quotation for QTY 15pcs
Thank you for your inquiry. Please either send us a valid email address to send your quote to or give us a call at 1-877-586-6654.
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Part # RP-920 Looking for 32pc. What is cost and availability?
Thank you for your inquiry. For all stocking and pricing questions, please contact your KVM Switches Online representative directly at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature.
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Please can you give me the part number for RP-920/AV2.2D with 24 Vdc Power options?
Thank you for your inquiry. The part number would be very similar to: RP-920/AV2.2D-24VDC
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How do you switch between VGA or DVI-D input?
Thank you for your inquiry. We apologize, the image in the body of this page needs to be updated. The newer inputs are VGA and DVI-D rather than VGA with S-Video and composite connections depicted. To switch between the two inputs, a user would simply plug into the needed video input.
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