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Have a question about this product? Ask here!
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What is the combined weight of this range extender project? Also, what is the power consumption when powered on, but with no USB or VGA devices connected, and what is the power consumption of this range extender at full load (rated 1.4A to 4 USB ports and 1 VGA port according to specs)?
We have just heard back from our manufacturer and here is the info that they reported to us.

For power consumption:
Local-1.75W with a 2.5W max
Remote-1.45W w/o devices and 6.95W max

NTI did not report a weight to us, but the shipping weight of the product is around 6 lbs, exclusive of any cabling.
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I need a power supply for the ST-C5USBVT. Do you have these available?
Thank you for your inquiry. Power supplies for this unit are available for purchase. A member of our sales team will e-mail you with a quote.
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Can we purchase a replacement power adaptor for NTI ST-C5USBVT?
Thank you for your inquiry. Yes the Replacement power supply for ST-C5USBVT is available. To order, please contact your KVM Switches Online representative by calling 1-877-586-6654 or by initiating an Online Chat through the link near the top of the page.
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I need (2) power supplies for the ST-C5USBVT. Do you have these available?
Thank you for you inquiry. Please contact your KVM Switches Online representative directly at 1-877-586-6654 or via our online chat feature for availability.
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