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Have a question about this product? Ask here!
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Are the SFP modules included with this product or are they sold seperately
Thank you for your inquiry,

The SFP module is built into the unit - no need to purchase separately. All you would need is a fiber cable of the appropriate length for your application.

The NTI ST-FOUSB4K-LC ships with:
1x power cable
1x Local Transmitter
1x Remote Receiver
1x 4.25 ft (1.3 m) male to male HDMI cable.
1x 6 ft (1.8 m) male USB Type A to male USB Type B cable.
1x 5 ft (1.5 m) male to male 3.5mm stereo audio cable.
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Does the ST-FOUSB4K-LC support 2560 x 1080 resolution?
Thank you for your inquiry,

The NTI ST-FOUSB4K-LC supports Ultra-HD 4Kx2K resolutions to 3840x2160, including 2560x1080.
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Are these TAA compliant? In other words, where are they made?
Thank you for your inquiry.
The ST-FOUSB4K-LC KVM extender is discontinued.

For TAA compliant alternatives please contact our sales team.
1-877-586-6654 (Option 1)
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