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does this work with single VGA monitor setup, or must it be dual monitor with DVI
This switch supports both single or dual head VGA and a PS/2 keyboard and mouse. If you want a single head VGA 4 port PS/2 switch I would recommend the Please give us a call at 1-877-586-6654 if you would like to discuss your project more.
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I have a laptop PC with only USB port and no specific keyboard and mouse port. Is it going to work with KVM ? Do you know if my laptop PC will recognise the mouse and the keyboard through the KVM ?
USB technology is designed to where any USB port will be able to convert the keyboard and mouse signals, so a designated port is not necessary. The KVM listed here is a PS2 KVM, so it would not be the ideal switch to use with your scenario. would be an option to use with USB. Another option would be to use an adapter, such as,, but we recommend avoiding adapters whenever possible as converted signals do not work as efficiently and sometimes not at all.
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I want to connect a single cpu to dual monitors(2 monitors) to run a different programs. first user can run java program & second user can run php program, so please help me which KVM SWITCH is suitable for this type of process and reply me
Unfortunately, there is no KVM that supports this type of function. KVMs are typically just pass through devices that do not provide any kind of CPU visualization. There are some devices, sometimes called reverse KVMs, that will allow two or more consoles (Keyboard,video and mouse) to access one computer, but they do not allow two separate users to login at the same time and use different programs.
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The screens, keyboard and mouse will be extended via cat5 and the kvm extender to 40m from the workstation. Will a bluetooth dongle and wireless keyboard and mouse work at the secondary KVM extender?
Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, there is no KVM (or extender) on the market that explicitly states it supports wireless keyboards and mice. Due to the very different way wireless peripherals communicate, it is a hit or miss proposition. We cannot guarantee any particular switch will work.

When we have customers attempting to use a wireless keyboard or mouse, we generally suggest Avocent switches. It seems we have the most luck with the Avocent models.

If you would like further assistance in selecting the best solution, please give us a call at 1-877-586-6654 to discuss your project further.
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is the power supply necessary? Does it work better with the power adapter?
Thank you for your inquiry. The optional power adapter is not necessary for this switch. It draws power through the PS/2 connections. The optional power adapter can be used in the event the KVM is unable to draw enough power through the PS/2 ports.
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