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Do you ship to the UK and if so how much for NTI USB to SUN Adapter please ?

Thank you for your inquiry. International orders are accepted on a case-by-case basis with a $1000 minimum and a $100 transaction fee. Also, note that we would require pre-payment via PayPal or wire transfer and both have additional fees associated. In addition, we require the use of a 3rd party shipping account to bill all shipping charges, customs, duties and fees.

If you would like to proceed, please contact a KVM Switches Online sales representative at 1-877-586-6654.

100% of 1 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(1) | No(0)
If i just need 1pcs "Part # USB-SUN" can i order one or is there a minimum limit ? I live in Sweden
Thank you for your inquiry,

You could absolutely order just one unit, however we have a minimum order limit of 1000 USD for international orders including to Sweden. For more information, please review our international order policy.

Alternatively, our international partner, Daxten also ships to Sweden.
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I have a SUN Type 5 keyboard, that I want to plug into a regular PC running Windows or Linux. I want to be certain that this device will convert FROM a mini-din8 keyboard TO a USB port on the computer.
Thank you for your inquiry!

The USB-SUN should indeed work for this application.

Please note, some SUN specific keys (such as the SUN Solaris system administration command mode keys) will not work with Windows or Linux OS\'s.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help you with!
100% of 2 people found this helpful. Was this helpful to you? Yes(2) | No(0)
Can I use it to connect a regular keyboard to a SUN station ?
Thank you for your inquiry. This device is used to plug a Sun enabled server into an older legacy NTI KVM Switch. This device utilizes an 8-pin mini din connection and we do not believe it would work to connect a regular keyboard to a sun station. You can find the user manual here ( a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'> ) which may provide additional information.

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